vulnerables, implementando programas y proyectos
en promoción de hábitos saludables, prevención de
enfermedades, educación, eguridad alimentaria,
cuidado del medio ambiente, protección de derechos
y prevención de la violencia.

Families, communities, and public institutions of health-strengthen their knowledge and practices in:
maternal health infant; nutrition and child development; health sexual and reproductive health; vector-borne diseases (chagas, malaria); non-communicable diseases; primary care in mental health; promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, WASH (water-hygiene-sanitation); management protocols biosecurity for the covid-19.

The educational community (students, teachers, parents, local authorities) are formed to address issues of comprehensive education of the students, such as:
school nutrition; health and sexuality; prevention of non-communicable diseases; mental health; prevention of all forms of violence; the promotion of healthy habits WASH (water-sanitation-sanitation), management of biosecurity protocols for the COVID-19.
Child Protection

The families, the community and the student population to strengthen their knowledge, attitudes and practices, to
to achieve a protective environment of the rights of children and adolescents and to ensure a life free from all forms of violence.
We understand violence against children:
– Any act of deprivation of food, clothing, health care, education, recreation, and expressions of affection.
– Any form of physical aggression, emotional, verbal.
– Any form of manipulation, blackmail, exploitation of the image, child exploitation, and trafficking.
Food safety and the Environment

Families, farmers, community education, associations, and groups of women entrepreneurs strengthen their knowledge and practices, to address issues of food security and the environment, such as:
agro-ecological production; agricultural production in environmental reserves; prevention and management of eroded soils; forest fire prevention; and certification of farms based on Good Agricultural Practices, Manufacturing, and marketing, school Gardens, Nutrition, family and school; education for the promotion of healthy habits WASH.