Here, we offer a variety of publications produced by the organization in the different projects implemented and running on a variety of topics that for sure you will also be very useful for you.

Establishment of School Gardens
“The capitalization of Experiences”
56 p. | Tarija-Bolivia, 2022
The top goal of the interventions of Hope Bolivia, is the empowerment of local capacities for action, here is inserted the project “Micro Family of Peasant Producers, Processors and Traders in the Central Valley of Tarija”, funded by the Belgian Cooperation for Development through the NGO Leuven Development Cooperation, with the counterpart of Hope Bolivia and Sub-governorates of San Lorenzo and Fencing.

Systematization of Experience
“Support groups for Adolescents in Mental Health”. Prevention of Gender-Based Violence
52 p. | Tarija-Bolivia, 2022
The top goal of OEB, is to promote conditions for a better quality of life of the bolivian families; in this sense, it adheres to the goals of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGS)3, which, among others, seeks to reduce by one third premature mortality
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDS) such as Diabetes, high Blood pressure, Obesity/Overweight, and other, and to the plans and programs of national and international, related to mental health and the prevention of all forms of violence.

Nutritional Guidance
Healthy recipes for diabetes prevention, hypertension, and Obesity / Overweight
76 p. | Tarija-Bolivia, 2022
Diseases Non-Communicable (NCDS) such as DIABETES, high BLOOD pressure and OBESITY/OVERWEIGHT, severely affect the economy of a family and of a country because:
1) the person with ENT gradually loses its ability to work, increasing their levels of poverty, 2) complications of the kidney, cardiovascular, pulmonary and other, of a person with ENT, are of high cost for handling and severely affect the economy of the family.
The rates of mortality due to NCDS are increasing progressively. According to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), 66% of deaths in the world are related to NCDS and their complications.

Manual for the preparation of Fertilisers and Controllers Organic Pest and Diseases
50 p. | Tarija-Bolivia, 2023
In accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), which, among other goals, seeking the reduction of hunger and poverty, in harmony with the environment, Hope, Bolivia presents the “Manual for the Preparation of Fertilisers and Drivers of Organic Pest and Disease”, in its second edition.
This tool guide, describes recipes, widely tested, which lead to the peasant families producing, in a path of progressive change towards organic agriculture, which contributes to the preservation of the natural resources of future generations